Bibliothèque diocésaine - Tunis

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Accueil » Articles » Bilbiothèques en ligne - online libraries - مكتبات » hors Tunisie

Digital Assets Repository
"The Digital Assets Repository (DAR) is a system developed at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the Library of Alexandria, to create and maintain library's digital collections. DAR acts as a repository for all types of digital material, thus preserving and archiving the digital media as well as, providing public access to digitized collections through a web-based search and browsing facilities. The goal of this project is building a digital resources repository by supporting the creation, use, and preservation of a variety of digital resources, as well as the development of management tools. These tools help the library to preserve, manage and share digital assets. The system is based on evolving standards for easy integration with web-based interoperable digital libraries."

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Catégorie: hors Tunisie | Ajouté par: bidio (10-10-2009)
Visualisations: 352 | Note: 0.0/0
Nombre total de commentaires: 0
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